
Testimonials from the Soul

Laura Burke

TestimonialsThere were so many takeaways from my relationship coaching with Carol, but by far, the biggest for me was the impact of implementing the weekly sit-down meeting. It’s not easy to juggle crazy work schedules, running a business, kids, dogs, intimacy, alone time, family time, food, bills, the list goes on! The idea to introduce a weekly business-esque meeting spoke to us both immediately. Just like a business team meeting, we have set agenda points and an opportunity to reflect on the previous week.

My partner and I plan, organize, and map out what’s happening in our family and personal life, week by week. It helps eliminate confusion, assumptions, and guesswork and limits the number of surprises; we know what’s happening and when. It gives us the oversight we needed and helps us set boundaries and say no to too many things to protect our family and relationship.
It’s improved our communication and organization and helped us align on so many aspects of our married life; in honesty, it’s transformed our relationship. We look forward to spending this time together each week to get ourselves organized and heads in the game for the coming week. Thanks, Carol, for everything you taught us!

Sandra Wilson Vedic Lifestyle Guide|Writer

TestimonialsCarol is real and dares to take you a layer deeper into your soul work. She made me realize that my goals are very achievable. As a mom and entrepreneur who tends to put too much on her plate, She helped me break my numbers down and realize my money goals are within reach. And guess what? By doing less!

Deep limiting beliefs that I have gathered throughout my life came up. With her support, I was able to face these beliefs and start to take the steps to let them go. Seeing Carol’s work is connected to spirit, things started flowing instantly. With messages popping up everywhere around me to enforce this new mindset and lifestyle. I look forward to working with Carol further.

Nadia Koppers | Wellness of The Soul

TestimonialsCarol is een fijne en bekwame coach. Met haar warme persoonlijkheid en positieve energie weet ze je op je gemak te stellen.
Tijdens onze coaching sessies heeft Carol me geïnspireerd om te focussen op mogelijkheden.

Ze biedt een luisterend oor en stelt de juiste vragen die helpen om in kaart te brengen waar je mee aan de slag kan. Daarbij heeft ze me enkele handvatten gegeven die me verder op weg hebben geholpen.

Dankjewel Carol, voor je liefdevolle begeleiding en fijne coaching.

Clarity Call: How can I Help?

One of my superpowers is coaching and mentoring women. Our focus will be on relationships but first, yourself.  After our call I promise, you will feel better than you do right now.

We’ll make sure you get clear on your desire, the tools and the confidence you need to take your next step, whatever that might be. Trust me, you always have more options than you think.

In order to help you properly and to see if coaching is the right option for you, I’d like to ask you to answer the questions below. As soon as you’ve completed the questions, you’ll have access to my calendar where you can book a 1: 1 call with me.

I look forward to speaking to you!

xx Carol


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Click on “Book Your Call”, and immediately book your 1: 1 call with me on the next page.

Do you have a question? Send me an email at carol@soul-essentials.nl .