The #1 pricing mistake is undercharging and over-delivering.
Most often what happens when a woman is finally compelled to raise her prices, she tends to compensate by overdelivering. This can even go so far that she may not make much money at all and even then she’ll feel guilty.
Not only is overdelivering a disservice to yourself, but you are also giving away your precious time that could have been spent with your loved ones.
Overdelivering to your client is like expecting her to eat a whole pie in one sitting rather than just a slice (or two in my case.)
The idea is maybe tempting but in the end, you know you are going to feel sick and probably not want any pie in the near future. It’s like anything that is TOOOOOO much!
In your business overdelivering will lead to overwhelm and in some cases burnout not only yourself but also your clients!
It’s sometimes a cry for validation. Someone to tell us we are good enough.
News flash: We have to learn self-care- self-soothing, self-respect.
These are hard lessons to learn but so important going further.
Quality or Quantity?
The whole damn pie or an exquisite small dessert, beautiful, yummy, a mouthgasm?
If you keep shovelling the whole damn pie down your throat and down the throat of your clients it’s gonna do more harm than good in the end.
It takes some Courageous Confidence to integrate less is more.
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